Grast-MTB - Support Ticket System


Repository: Github - Ticket Support Project
Collaborators: Bartosz Urban, Dragos Ionescu, Peter Hahn Boelt, Samuel Ivan, Zaharia Horatau-Hostiuc

In this articles I will talk a little bit about my 2nd semester project at UCN, where as part of a group of student developers, we have completed Java desktop application that manages tickets from customers. The system was developed for the company's employees, so that they can easily handle any inquiries from customers in form of complaints, asking for information or leaving a feedback. System can also simulate to send a response back to a customer. One can also manage CRUD operations of employees, customers, and departments. Futhermore, simple authentication and authorization of users has been implemented, therefore employees can log in into the system as well as logout. Part of this project was to also make a business case and a business analysis of the company, but I won't go into that. For system development process, UP (Unified Process) has been applied throughout the project.


Regarding the technologies, there are not that many that has been implemented in this project since the idea was to create simple Java applications that can handle concurrency issues and parallelism. The few technologies that has been used are JDBC for database access, JUnit Jupiter framework for tesing our system and MigLayout as an external library used to implemented our GUI (Graphical User Interface).


To conclude this project, it was interesting to develop this application that could improve the productivity and customer relations for the company. Once again we explored few new technologies, learned to normalized our database and use different patters in the program such as DAO for database access, GRASP, high cohesion, low coupling, layered architecture and lastly became more experienced on how to conduct good unit, integration and system tests. Also for better overview of our system, feel free to download the project from the Github repository and try it out.


Author: Samuel Ivan